

Contact us:

300 E MILL STREET, SUITE 202, PLYMOUTH, WI 53073        


9 Equal payments plan:

Tuition is a program-based fee and can be split into 9 equal payments. Each payment is due on or before the 10th of each month (September - May). After the 10th, a $10.00 late fee will be added to the account. Equal payment plan tuition rates for the 2024-2025 dance season are as follows (these rates do not include registration fees or costume fees):

30 minute class: $45

45 minute class: $50

​60 minute class: $60


Tuition also may be paid in full at the beginning of the year ($30 savings per class). This is due on or before September 10th, 2024. Term tuition rates are as follows (these rates do not include registration fees or costume fees):

30 minute class: $375/term

45 minute class: $420/term

60 minute class: $510/term 


Tutition is a program fee and is not based on the number of monthly classes a student attends. Registered students are signed up for the full term from September-May and not individual classes. Payment for the entire term is divided into equal payments for your convenience.

No credits, refunds, or adjustments will be given for missed lessons. however, students are encouraged to attend a make up class. Registered students who miss classes or withdraw before the end of the month or semester are still obligated for the full amount of tuition.

We accept cash, checks, and 4 major credit cards: Discover, Master Card, American Express, and Visa for payment of tuition and fees. 

Payments can be made at the dance studio, online via the parent portal (credit, debit, or checking account), dropped off at the main studio payment box during business hours, or mailed to the studio.